toy \’toi\ n : an object used in play
maven \’mā vən\ n : one who is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass his or her knowledge on to others
When our children were young, we realized our neighborhood needed a local toy store. In 2007, when the space next to our existing business, Kids Cooking Company became available, we jumped on the opportunity to open up a toy store. Over the next few years, we continued to expand with over 6200 square feet of some of the best toys around in our Preston Hollow location.
In 2013, the opportunity to open a second location presented itself when a toy store closed in Southlake. We felt it was perfect timing and that summer, The Toy Maven – Southlake opened for business.
Another six years passed and we were ready for a new location. What we weren’t ready for was this new location to be a temporary relocation as our Preston Hollow was wiped out in a tornado in October 2019. With the help of our vendors (and customers) we were up and running in a temporary location in 17 days in time for holidays. Almost to the day, a year later, were back in our original location October 2020.
In 2021, once again a local toy store closed their doors as the owners focused on grandparenting, so The Toy Maven was ready for to fill their shoes. Fall 2021 brought us The Toy Maven – Park Cities.
As a family owned business, we are happy to serve the DFW community, allowing our customers to locally shop one of the largest selections of toys in one spot.

Store Hours
Thursday – Friday 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Saturday 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Sunday 12:00PM – 5:00PM