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- 4M Industries
- ACD Distribution LLC
- Adora
- AirFort
- Anirollz
- Ann Williams Group
- Aquabeads
- Artisan/Workman Publishing
- Asmodee
- Astra Publishing House
- Avenir
- Bababoo and friends
- Baby Paper
- Banana Panda
- Bananagrams
- Barbie
- Battat
- Bewaltz
- Big Discoveries
- Bling2o
- Blue Orange
- Bolder Play (was B4Adventure)
- Boogie Board - Kent displays
- Brainwright
- Breyer
- Bright Stripes
- Bruder Toys
- Brybelly Holdings
- Buddy and Barney llc
- Buffalo Games
- Calico Critters
- California Creations
- Calliope Games
- Candlewick Press
- Carma Games
- Ceaco
- Choon's Design
- Chronicle Books
- Cloud B
- Cobble Hill Puzzle Company
- Corolle
- Cottage Door Press
- Craft-tastic
- Crayola
- Crazy Aaron's Puttyworld
- CreArt
- Creativity for Kids
- Crocodile Creek
- D & L Company - Stomp Rockets
- Daron WWT
- Days of Wonder
- Disney
- Disney Consumer Products
- Djeco
- DK Publishing
- Do-Dot-Art
- Dolphin Hat Games
- Dope Slimes
- Douglas Toys
- Duncan Toys Company
- Earth Grown KidDoughs
- EDC Publishing (Usborne / Kane Miller)
- EduShape
- eeBoo
- Elenco Electronics
- Enchantmints
- Epoch Everlasting Play
- Estes Rockets
- Everest Toys
- Exploding Kittens
- Faber-Castell
- Family Games Inc
- Fashion Angels
- Fat Brain Toys
- Firefox Toys
- Fireside Games
- Fisher-Price Brands
- Fizz Creations
- Flatout Games
- Franklin Sports
- Freddo Toys
- Froggy's Lair
- Fun In Motion Toys (MOZI)
- Funsparks
- Galison
- Gamewright
- Garb2Art
- Gibbs Smith Publishers
- Glo Pals
- Goliath Games
- Good Banana
- Good Night Books
- Gravitrax
- Great Pretenders (Creative Education of Canada)
- Green Toys
- Hachette Book Group
- Hands Craft
- Handstand Kitchen (Handstand Kids)
- Hape
- Happy Camper Games
- Happy Puzzle Company
- HarperCollins Publishers
- Hasbro
- HearthSong
- Heebie Jeebies
- Hello Kitty Magic - HK
- Hexbug from Innovation First
- Highlights
- Holiday House
- Hootenanny Games
- Horizon Group USA Inc.
- Hot Focus
- Hotaling
- Houghton Mifflin Co.
- House of Marbles
- Imagine That
- Incredible Group
- Incredible Novelties
- Independent Publishers Group
- Ingram Publishing
- Insect Lore
- Insight Editions
- InstaCake Cards
- iPlay iLearn
- iScream
- Jabuka Games
- Janod
- Jax
- JC Toys
- Jellycat
- Juratoys
- Kane Miller
- Kettler
- Keycraft
- Kid Made Modern
- KidOozie
- Kids Preferred
- KidSource
- Klee Naturals
- Klutz
- Knuckle-Headz
- Kruselings
- Lanard
- LAVA Lamp
- Leading Edge Novelty
- Learning Advantage
- Learning Curve
- License 2 Play
- Liontouch
- Little Bee Books
- Little Kids
- Little Moppet
- Luki Lab (Strottman)
- Macmillan
- Madame Alexander
- Make Believe Ideas
- Make It Real
- Manhattan Toy
- Marky Sparky
- Marvin's Magic
- Mary Meyer Stuffed Toys
- Master Toys And Novelties
- Mattel
- Mavi Bandz
- Mayfair Games
- Mega Marbles
- Melissa & Doug
- MGA Entertainment (ABC International Traders)
- Micro Kickboard
- Mighty Fun!
- Mindscope
- MindWare
- Mira Design Corp/Craftholic
- Mobi Games
- moluk
- Moose Toys
- Mudpuppy Press
- Mukikim
- My Sweet Baby
- National Sporting Goods
- NeeDoh
- New York Puzzle
- Next Move Games
- Odyssey Toys
- Oli&Carol
- Ooly (International Arrivals)
- Oops
- Orb Toys
- Outset Media Games
- Papo
- Paw Patrol
- Peaceable Kingdom
- Penguin Random House
- Plan B Games
- PlanToys
- Play Visions
- Play-Doh
- Playmobil
- PlayMonster
- Playroom
- Plus-Plus (was Geared for Imagination)
- Popular Playthings
- PowerUp Toys
- Professor Puzzle
- Project Genius
- Quercetti
- Ravensburger
- Relevant Play
- Renegade Game Studios
- Retevis
- Rizzoli Books
- Rubik's
- Rustik Games
- Safari Limited
- Sam & Julia
- Schleich
- Scholastic
- Schylling
- Scratch Europe
- Sentosphere
- Shashibo
- Silver Dolphin Books
- Simon & Schuster Inc.
- Skillmatics - Grasper Global
- Skullduggery (SD Toyz)
- Small Foot
- Small World Toys
- Smart Toys and Games
- SmartLab Toys
- SmartMax
- Snifty Scented Products
- South Beach Bubbles
- Speks
- Spin Master
- Squishable
- Stonemaier Games
- Story Time Chess
- Studiostone
- Super Impulse USA
- SwimWays
- Swingball
- Taggies Inc.
- Tangle Creations
- Tegu
- Tender Leaf Toys
- Thames & Kosmos
- The Good Game Company
- The Learning Journey
- The Original Toy Company
- The Pencil Grip, Inc.
- The Puppet Company
- The Toy Maven
- The Toy Network
- The Young Scientists Club
- Thin Air Brands, LLC
- ThinkFun
- Three Cheers For Girls
- Tiger Tales
- Tiger Tribe
- Tikiri Toys
- Tonies
- Tonies - from Boxine
- Top Secret Toys
- Top Trenz
- ToyLab llc
- Toymarketing International, Inc. (TMI) - Gymnic Balls
- Toys By Nature
- Toysmith
- TPG Creations (The Pencil Grip)
- Tree Town Toys
- TrendTech Wireless Express
- True South Puzzle Company
- Tutti Frutti
- Two Bros Bows
- Ty Inc.
- U.S. Toy Co
- UGears
- Ultra Pro Entertainment
- Uniche Collective
- United Pacific Designs
- University Games
- USAopoly
- Valtech - magnatiles
- Waboba - Wingman
- Watchitude
- Water Sports, LLC
- White Mountain Puzzles
- Wikki Stix - Omnicor Inc
- Winning Moves
- Wonder and Wise
- WordTeasers
- WubbaNub Infant Pacifier
- Ybike
- Yookidoo
- Yottoy Productions, Inc.
- ZipString
- Zoey Koko
- Zorbitz
- zzz Invalid Mfg